Gigolo Movie Not Affect Citra Bali
Saturday, May 01, 2010
"I think people will still see that Bali is Bali with the main icon as the cultural and natural attractions. So, the influence of the film is very small for decreasing the image of Bali," he said in Denpasar, on Wednesday.
Nevertheless, he said, the problem remains to be seen as a valuable lesson because of the phenomenon of prostitution who used the guise of tourism, it could really happen in foreign tourist destinations.
"Similarly, the phenomenon of filming without permission by foreigners should be the government's attention. Pratik Regarding prostitution, as depicted in the film, it is difficult to prove whether or not there. This is a social problem that must be a common concern," he said.
He acknowledged, if indeed such a gigolo practice really exist in Kuta, it is the excesses of the tourism industry must find a way out so as not to damage the tourism image of Bali as a whole.
"Bali is different from Thailand, so these problems need to look for a way out so that this practice can be eliminated," he said.
He also reminded the media not too encouraging news about the film so that the issue could soon subside.
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Judul: Gigolo Movie Not Affect Citra Bali
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