Bali Want to Enhance Tourists from Australia
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Directorate General of Marketing, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, took 18 players in the Bali tourism promotion in four cities in Australia, 16 to 25 May 2010. Bali as the Indonesian tourism relationship is expected to maximize the tourists visiting the "land of kangaroos" is to boost the national tourism.
Four cities are Perth, Melbourne, Darwin, and Syney. Promotion to four-city program entitled Sales Mission to Australia. The 18 players of tourism on the island who had been invited to join the travel agents who are under the coordination of Bali Village, one of the stakeholders under the control of the Bali Tourism Board (BTB).
Representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Bali, Molly Prabawati in Denpasar, Friday (9/5/10) states, the target of Australian tourists to visit Indonesia this year targeted to reach 620 000 people. Over the past year the Australian tourist visits to the country is 530 000 people.
"Promotions directly to Australia to be one strategy to encourage more tourists the country. It is undeniable that we should invite Bali for more than 80 percent of Australian tourists coming directly to Bali," said Molly.
Molly is disclosed, the visit to Indonesia Australian tourists continues to rise. In the period January-March 2010 was recorded a fantastic increase to around 55 percent compared to same period previous year. Noted the number of Australian tourists to the country during the first three months of this year 142 654 people.
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Judul: Bali Want to Enhance Tourists from Australia
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