Foreign Tourist like the Legong Dance
Sunday, May 02, 2010
DENPASAR, - Legong, one of Balinese classical dance has its own charm and is very popular overseas and domestic tourists while enjoying a holiday on the island. "Dance is very flexible, supple, with a dynamic motions presented by some very brilliant woman, either now or in the future," said AA Kusuma Ayu Arini SST Msi, a lecturer in the Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Denpasar, Monday (19 / 4 / 2010).
Dance is very flexible, supple, with a dynamic motions brought by several women.
Dance is very flexible, supple, with a dynamic motions brought by several women.
Agreed with Ayu, two other ISI faculty, Cok Putra Padmini SST Wife Msn and Ni Made Rai Kasumari Bambang Msi SST, also mentions that the popularity of the Legong dance never subsided.
Arini Kusuma explains, Legong is a cultural inheritance from two centuries ago that continue sustainable from one generation to the next. Legong dance in addition to the foundation's daughter, also a prima donna of the various types of Balinese dance, which for this type of dance is unique compared to other regions in Indonesia.
"Legong dance style that had been famous in Bali is a flow Peliatan, Saba and the flow of Badung," says Padmini Cak added.
Among these three schools of dance kegong, Peliatan the most active force in conducting a regular gig as a dance spectacle.
Legong registered already quite popular among the public since 1931, after Sekaha Art Peliatan entered the stage to Europe to tone up "Colonial Exhibition" in Paris. Legong addition, the arena was also shown Calonarang.
Kusumari Rai added, Sekaha Peliatan Art, Ubud, Gianyar, back stage for a second time in Europe and the United States in 1952. Overseas trip for the second time it was sponsored by a British impresario, John Coast. "Legong Peliatan may be regarded as a pioneer in Bali pariwsata promotion abroad," she said.
"I was so impressed with Legong dance performance in London, to the point that BBC Radio London wearing the accompaniment of dance music to broadcast Indonesian introduction for more than a dozen years," said Cok Padmini.
Success in overseas performances and is known in some areas of Indonesia, has been making dance for the aspirant able to maintain the distinctiveness of the dance movements.
For the sake of it, he said, which was considered the most instrumental in print reliably dancers is a duet AA Gde Mandera and Gusti Made Sengog, both are now gone. They are considered instrumental in expressing style and movement vocabulary specific Legong.
"Peliatan Village, Ubud, from then until now doing continuous Legong dance performances, both for performances related to a ceremony or to entertain tourists," says Kusuma Arini.
Judul: Foreign Tourist like the Legong Dance
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