Tirta empul Bali
Friday, April 20, 2007

Enter the area of water empul we met the first time with a building that functioned as resturant,banguna him with style Bali that attracted the view of the eyes was inside resturant that had the pond have the shape of persegi long, water flowed calm and clear. After that entered the Water part empul him, in front of the entrance pengeleburan water empul had the plank of discipline for the visitor that wanted mandi His discipline yaitu 1. Menghaturkan Nyadnya apetik sari 2. might not bathe used shampoo, soap and the toothbrush in dalam 3. might not be naked. 4. might not wash all the washing sorts.
When against will be affected by doubt. The regulation was obligatory in ikutin because like usual in the Balinese area of all the places contained the sacred element, and for other group must appreciated him when wanting to see or bathe ditempat this. When you not group hindu, and wanted to bathe there could, by means of bought (brought canang) and canang that was sent to the friend or to available Balinese there, according to my friend during penghaturan canang that would in the guide by a person mang I and we prayed in the heart. Because this place was the holy place then the modern product product like soap etc. was not allowed, apart from damaging the atmosphere also will cause dirty him the water current. For that intended to bathe then must prepare cloth as the patron of our body, was forbidden to bathe telanjang. when wanting to bathe naked or bershampoo and the toothbrush then we could go to the bathroom of the public's part that his form was unique also.
When against will be affected by doubt. The regulation was obligatory in ikutin because like usual in the Balinese area of all the places contained the sacred element, and for other group must appreciated him when wanting to see or bathe ditempat this. When you not group hindu, and wanted to bathe there could, by means of bought (brought canang) and canang that was sent to the friend or to available Balinese there, according to my friend during penghaturan canang that would in the guide by a person mang I and we prayed in the heart. Because this place was the holy place then the modern product product like soap etc. was not allowed, apart from damaging the atmosphere also will cause dirty him the water current. For that intended to bathe then must prepare cloth as the patron of our body, was forbidden to bathe telanjang. when wanting to bathe naked or bershampoo and the toothbrush then we could go to the bathroom of the public's part that his form was unique also.
Judul: Tirta empul Bali
Ditulis oleh Lambang Insiwarifianto
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